Music Practice

The Chapel is available at certain times for music practice.

This page sets out some guidelines to help this happen as smoothly as possible.


It is very important that the temperature in the Chapel is maintained between 13 and 18 degrees Celsius to avoid putting the organ and piano out of tune. When the Chapel is not in use, the thermostat is set to 13 Celsius. You can raise it to 18 using the arrow key on the panel near the font. Please return the temperature to 13 before leaving.


There is a Yamaha grand piano and a two-manual organ in the Chapel. Members of college are welcome to use the piano and organ, though those wishing to use the organ should speak to the chairman of the trustees. Unfortunately there is no space to store students’ instruments in Chapel.


It is anticipated that the Chapel will mostly be used for personal practice, and there is no need to book for this as long as you are considerate of other users of the Chapel. However, if you need to be sure that the Chapel is free, you can request to book a slot through the Booking Request Form.

Other Users of the Chapel

The Chapel is used by a number of different people. You should be aware that:

  • Other groups also use the Chapel for meetings and rehearsals; these will appear in the diary.
  • Services generally happen on Sunday evenings and are marked in the diary, but do bear in mind that preparations for services, clearing up etc. mean that the Chapel is not available for most of Sunday afternoon and evening.
  • Special services, such as baptisms, weddings etc. will be marked in the diary, but the same considerations apply as for regular services
  • The Chapel is often used by members of college as a venue for prayer, meditation and informal worship. This is not generally booked in the diary, but we would ask those using the Chapel for music to be sensitive to this.
  • The Chapel Choir and the Organ Scholar use the Chapel for practice. It is not always possible to put (particularly organ) practices in the diary, but practice for Chapel services will generally take priority over other practice.