Inter Alios’ is the de facto chapel choir at Churchill.

The Chapel at Churchill College hosts one service per week on Sunday evenings during term, employing a variety of liturgies through the term. The choir prides itself both on the quality of its music-making, and on its welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Ewan Campbell directs, assisted by the organ scholar, Jerry Lin. All are happy to speak to prospective members at any time.

The choir meets to sing those weekly services, as well as for concerts and other occasional events. Choir members have welcomed the opportunity to produce music of extraordinary beauty to a high standard without it dominating their time. The low commitment has enabled the participation of students, fellows, and staff from Churchill and other colleges who have rigid schedules in the working week. The chapel choir also maintains a rich social calendar including well-attended weekly pub trips, as well as High Table dinner once per term at the invitation and expense of the Chapel Trustees.


Director of Music – Ewan Campbell

Organ Scholar – Jerry Lin

About Choral Scholarships

For up-to-date information about choral and organ awards, please see here.